Friday, March 21, 2014

That First Sound of Spring on the First Warm Friday

 This has been a tough of the harshest in several years. Grounds keepers in places like Detroit are having a difficult time getting fields ready for opening of baseball with deep permafrost. So people seem left to wait for their spring experience to happen. I discussed  this experience at a dinner party. It of course differs between people , for some the first sighting of a Robin. Others it is opening day of baseball season or the first early barbeque. Mine is perhaps more esoteric. It is the first reasonably warm day after spring arrives on a Friday afternoon. High School gets out or classes are done at a local college , in my case Union. People may leave work early. There is a sudden increase in traffic speed. The local pulse seems to quicken. Then off in the distance one hears tires burn a little rubber. I have heard this happen from Lake Placid NY to Atlantic Beach NY to Washington DC. I first noticed it in my hometown of Schodack NY. Probably because I was doing it myself with a couple of friends. That first warm Friday afternoon.....the weekend ahead....Spring in the air finally. You want to go out and just drive a little extra , take the long way back home , take that tight turn a little faster. Trust me , it's a collective thing that really happens. I trust you all hear it soon. At the dinner party a few people especially the guys showed a certain recognition. It's coming..... be listening