Thursday, January 15, 2009

Robert Jeffrey Hudson

Yesterday my first Grandchild was born. 9 pounds 10 ounces , 20 and one half inches long. As a person that often looks at the past I find myself wondering of his future. If I can do anything for him it is to show him his ancestors. You have a family that goes back to the 1600's in this country. We have come from people who were everything from farmers to mechanics , ministers , people in the political world , solders , sailors , mailmen , teachers , carpenters , car salesmen , human service people , rebels , moms & dads. Your family survived war , illness , poverty , depressions , crop ruining weather , bad schools , early death and a lack of dreams. Yet they survived to bring you forth into this new world. Many were happy........and if they could would wish you well. You come from strong do many. Take that Robert and run with it........don't look back to often. Forward.

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