Wednesday, December 8, 2010

From Darkness To Light To My Liberation: The Beatles

Today marks the 30th anniversary of John Lennon being shot to death outside his apartment in NYC. So once again my mind tripped back to another era. Let me not dwell on the sadness but set a historical mood & moment. A historical centerpiece from which I believe much cultural & historical life was struck by a lightening in an early 60's soup which we still live with today. Kennedy was murdered November of 63. Much has been written of this time so for my purposes let me simply say a semi darkness fell over our nation. A sort of national mild to moderate political / social depression of sorts. Flags half staff , and so were many peoples emotions. Even as a preteen I felt it , relatives , teachers etc. A noticeable gloom. A national question perhaps was being asked "what were we"? Then a new music hit our conscious late that year and burst onto TV early the next yr. The Beatles hit our shores. For my generation at this time it was as if we just had taken in a full deep breath of cold fresh winter air. The The odd quirky early evening of our nation was for many atleast broken. My life for one was never the same for soon I as well as many began to have new perimeters in life. I myself now had the Beatles to add to 007 and I enjoyed this new rush. The beginnings of a less stiff secure life & into a vision of myself beyond Schodack NY my hometown. For this I remain still grateful , for I was on a road set by family that would not bring much satisfaction. This couple of months would be in a way all most spiritual , darkness but I could see . To my kids who read this, trust me, I was far from being alone in this. Some of what you liked most of your father was in small part born at this time. As Lennon once said Love & Peace are Eternal.

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