Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane Sandy: Some Personal After Thoughts

 Well Sandy has come , gone and left behind enough damage to truly shake our technology and human faith in that technology. I can say many peoples other kinds of faith has been disrupted as well. Now that my family is safe and my home survived  which is remarkable considering I live on a barrier island at 11509. Even though I have left downstate again for a more sane visit to upstate , central N.Y. to await a more reconstructed area namely power , accessible gasoline and items like that. So , what are my afterthoughts after all that devastation.  Do you know what struck me the most well it was the look on peoples faces. Stunned , sad , angry ,  faces. Some people lost everything others inconvenienced for a few days. But there is another facial and body expression that if you look closely you will see. The look of once again being reminded that we are mortal. No one and  nothing last forever ,  be it material or of biology. The other evening residents and storm tourists walked near the ocean , commenting on the sand dunes being gone  and things like that. But with no lights on for miles and an unusually deep darkness settling over the shoreline people had that look of shortened time spans. It occurred to me that this evening was an evening that could have been experienced by our ancient ancestors , you know the ones we have no idea of what their names were or where they lived. But ancestors that survived a harsh and dangerous world to create off spring that would eventually through the generations lead to you. But as they did , we do.......we move on ever mortal as we are. One more the ocean crashed and the stars glowed  so brightly in that dark , so deeply dark sky , I realized again why the human condition often dictated the need to search for a God. Because these are the times when the universe seems to open wide and you realize just how immense this all is.


Ryan said...

I'm really enjoying your blog. It brings back a lot of memories. Ron Kunicki was a classmate of mine in elementary and high school. I also went to school with a fellow named Jeff Hudson. Wondering if you're related. Also-I'm curious about the triple homicide you mentioned in one of your earliest blogs. Were you referring to the Van Huesen case?

hudson hawk said...

Ryan.....Yes I was referring to the Van Huesen murders. I once even tracked down the well I believe the mother and two sisters were dumped. All filled with stones now. Anyway it was nice to hear from you and enjoyed the feed back. I am still somewhat amazed people read this blog. So far I have over 8,000 hits. Oh and yes I am related to Jeff Hudson. Ron says Hi.

Kris said...

New to your blog, really enjoying. Have family in the Renssalaer (did I spell that right?), Hoosick Falls, Guilderland, and Valley Falls areas. Beautiful--if we could find a way, we'd move there in a flash!

Sandy mostly missed us down here in Virginia. My heart breaks for the folks farther north.

hudson hawk said...

Kris....welcome to the blog. I enjoy receiving feedback from readers. As I look at the rubble being stacked up after Sandy I amazed at all that happened. But we are now in rebuilding mood.....moving on perhaps a little more the wise for it all. I am working on more blogs for the future so I hope to touch base again. By the way my Brother lives in Virgina and likes the warmer weather. BE SEEING YOU.