Sunday, July 10, 2016

My Hometown : Things Do Change : MHHS

 Recently , I stopped by my old high school. Maple Hill High School in the town of Schodack NY 12033. The school was setting up for the graduation ceremonies that evening. Outside graduation is a tradition at the school. After I walked the track I was able to strike up a conversation with the principal , Ron Agostinoni. We talked briefly about the weather , class size. I happened to mention my old principal. Ron , said that he had heard of him. I mentioned that those were rougher days at the school as far as discipline was concerned. What he said next thrilled me. He said he did not believe in that sort of stuff. He wanted the students to respect him not fear him. Wow......what a concept.  Respect not fear. So I wanted to just say that things can change for the better. Ed Psy research does make a difference , kinder and gentler can sometimes prevail.

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